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V&V Services

VPlusLab provides SW V&V services and related consulting.

Automotive SW V&V Services

VPlusLab has successfully conducted SW verification and validation services for Hyundai Motors to ensure the safety of automotive systems and software.

The proportion and complexity of electronic devices to control mechanical components in automobiles are increasing. In particular, the development of systems like infotainment systems and intelligent vehicles that combine automobiles with IT technology is becoming more active, demanding compliance with the ISO 26262 standard to minimize risks associated with hazards in electrical/electronic systems.


For inquiries on V&V services for automotive SW, please contact us at


Defense SW V&V Services

SW Test Scope and Activity for Defense Weapons System

  • Software coding rules

  • Check code coverage  

  • 3rd Party Independent Test

  • Software V&V output

  • Runtime error detection

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By utilizing VPlusLab’s high expertise on automated SW testing technology, we are providing V&V services and developing an AI-based automated SW testing framework for Ministry of National Defense

army boots

The modern national defense industry is rapidly adopting software technology.
Most weapons system development projects are mega-scale projects that involve years of time and massive cost investment. Thus, it is essential to apply rigorous quality control and precise engineering techniques from the initial stages of the project

For inquiries on V&V services for Defense SW V&V Services, please contact us at


VPlusLab Co., Ltd. #202, Building B, Samhwan Hypex, 230 Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Postal code 13493

Email:                  Phone: +82-31-698-3134


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